Clarke & Co

Don’t be caught by false claims on business rates appeal deadlines

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The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has issued a warning about false claims being made about the deadline for appealing the 2023 list for business rates.

Some are claiming that the deadline is 30 June, however this is not true. Generally, you are able to appeal your property valuation on the 2023 list at any time until March 2026.

If an agent contacts you trying to pressure you to make a decision or sign a contract; makes claims about ‘unclaimed credits’; says they are acting on behalf of the VOA; or demands large sums of money upfront, then VOA advise you to be cautious.

It is not necessary to use an agent, but if you choose to do so then the VOA provide a checklist you can use to select one.

While the vast majority of agents are reputable and will give you a good service, there are a small minority acting in bad faith.

The VOA advise that if you have any concerns about having been potentially misrepresented by an agent, please send any evidence to


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